
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

How to Growl?

How to Growl?

Growling is an important part of a singer’s arsenal. It can be used to convey a wide range of emotions, from anger to passion. In this article, we will discuss the basics of growling and how you can start incorporating it into your own singing. We’ll answer common questions such as “what is growling?” and “how do I make my growl sound good?” So let’s get started!

What are vocal effects?

Vocal effects are techniques and sounds that singers use to create a unique sound or feel in their singing. Growling is one type of vocal effect, but there are many other types such as vibrato, pitch bends, staccatos, etc. Vocal effects can help you add more life and energy to your singing and make it stand out from the crowd. [1]

How does the voice produce effects?

The voice works by taking in air and converting it into sound. When a singer growls, they use the muscles in their throat and chest to create vibrations in the vocal cords that result in a raspy or gritty sound. Different singers have different techniques for creating these effects, but all of them involve controlling the airflow to create specific tones and textures. [2]

Power source

The power behind the growl comes from the diaphragm. This is a muscle located in the lower abdomen that helps to control and regulate airflow when singing. The stronger your diaphragm, the more powerful your growls will be. You can also practice specific vocal exercises designed to strengthen the diaphragm, such as breathing from both sides of the ribcage or arching your back while you sing.

Sound source(s!)

The sound of the growl comes from your vocal cords. By controlling the airflow and tension in your vocal cords, you can produce different types of growls with varying levels of intensity. It’s important to experiment with different techniques and sounds until you find a growl that suits your voice and style.


The resonator is the final component of a growl. This is part of your body that amplifies and projects the sound of your voice. For growling, you want to focus on chest resonance, as this will provide a fuller and more powerful sound. You can also practice exercises designed to strengthen chest resonance, such as singing with an open throat and placing your hands around your chest while you sing.


Effects at different levels

Once you have mastered the basics of growling, you can start experimenting with different levels and effects. You can create a softer growl by controlling your airflow or a harsher one by adding more tension to your vocal cords. You can also combine different techniques to create unique sounds and textures.

Growl, grunt, what?

Growling is a type of vocal effect that creates a gritty or raspy sound. It’s usually used to convey emotions such as anger, intensity, or passion. Grunting is similar to growling but involves pushing air out instead of pulling it in. Both can be used effectively if done correctly.

Can anyone really learn to sound rough?

Yes! Anyone can learn to create effective growls and grunts with enough practice and dedication. It’s important to remember that everyone has a unique voice, so the techniques that work for one singer may not work for another. Experiment with different sounds and textures until you find what works best for your voice.

Are vocal effects damaging to the voice?

When done correctly, vocal effects can be a great way to add texture and emotion to your singing. However, it’s important to remember to always take care of your voice by warming up before you sing and taking breaks in between. Overutilizing vocal effects such as growls can result in permanent damage to the vocal cords, so it is important to exercise restraint when utilizing them. [3]

Knowing what is healthy and not

It’s important to know the difference between healthy growling and unhealthy strain on your vocal cords. If you feel any pain or discomfort while singing, it’s best to take a break before continuing. Making sure to warm up and practice proper technique can help prevent any potential damage.

What to do if it hurts?

If you feel any pain or discomfort while singing, it’s important to stop and take a break. Make sure to consult with a qualified vocal instructor or doctor if the problem persists. Taking care of your voice is essential for long-term success as a singer, so it’s important to be aware of what you can and cannot do.

What to do if it hurts


How does a person growl?

Growling involves controlling the airflow and tension in your vocal cords to create a raspy or gritty sound. You can practice different techniques such as arching your back or breathing from both sides of the ribcage to strengthen the diaphragm and help you produce a more powerful growl.

How do you death growl for beginners?

Death growling is a technique used in metal and hardcore genres to create an aggressive sound. To start, practice producing low guttural sounds with your throat. Once you’ve mastered this basic technique, experiment with different levels of intensity and airflow to create the desired effect. Remember to take breaks and warm up before attempting any extreme vocal effects.

Does a metal scream damage your voice?

Extreme vocal techniques such as metal screaming can cause strain on the vocal cords and lead to long-term damage. It’s important to take proper care of your voice by warming up before singing and avoiding overdoing it with any extreme vocal effects. Consulting a qualified vocal coach or doctor is recommended if you feel any pain or discomfort while singing. [4]

Useful Video: Easy and Safe Metal Screaming Tutorial (Beginner Level)


To sum it up, learning how to growl is an important part of creating a unique vocal performance. It gives the singer more control over their voice and allows them to add dynamics and extra tone possibilities to their sound. With enough practice, any dedicated vocalist can master the techniques necessary to write and perform a compelling growl. As a next step in your vocal training journey, take the time to practice growling by recording yourself and making adjustments as you go along. When you’re ready, feel free to put your new growl skills on full display in performances or live jam sessions with fellow artists! With practice, perseverance, and creativity, the possibilities will be endless!

So there you have it – if you’ve been considering learning how to growl but weren’t sure where to start – now you know! Don’t forget that mastering any skill takes dedication and effort so don’t rush yourself through this process. Take time each day to work on improving your technique and watch as progress soon follows. Most importantly, have fun as you go along – after all, music is meant to bring joy! Finally, don’t forget everyone starts somewhere. Even today’s professional musicians have come from humble beginnings where they had to teach themselves things like how to growl – so take pride in the fact that each day you are one step closer to becoming a great vocalist!


  1. https://blog.landr.com/vocal-effects
  2. https://voicefoundation.org/health-science/voice-disorders/anatomy-physiology-of-voice-production/understanding-voice-production/
  3. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/is-vocal-fry-ruining-my-voice
  4. https://www.sweetwater.com/insync/how-to-metal-scream-without-hurting-your-voice