
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Is Black Metal Evil?

Is Black Metal Evil?

Black metal is a subgenre of heavy metal music that emerged in the 1980s, primarily in Norway. It is characterized by its dark, aggressive, and often controversial themes, encompassing topics such as Satanism, paganism, and anti-Christianity. With its raw and extreme sound, black metal pushes the boundaries of traditional heavy metal, incorporating elements of harsh vocals, fast tempos, and dissonant guitar riffs. The genre’s lyrical content often delves into the exploration of nature, folklore, and the occult, creating a unique and captivating musical experience for its dedicated fanbase.

Defining Black Metal

To fully grasp the nature of black metal and its association with evil, it is crucial to delve into the intricate aspects that define this genre. Originating in Norway during the 1980s, black metal is renowned for its dark and extreme sound that has left an indelible mark on the music scene. Interestingly, the term “black metal” itself was coined by the influential band Venom, in their 1982 song aptly titled “Black Metal.”

However, black metal extends beyond being just a style of music; it has evolved into a subculture with its own unique beliefs, values, and aesthetics. Drawing inspiration from Norse mythology, paganism, and even Satanism, black metal embodies a confluence of ideologies that contribute to its controversial nature. The intertwining of these elements not only adds depth to the genre but also fuels the ongoing debate surrounding its association with evil.

By delving into the intricacies and historical context of black metal, we gain a better understanding of its profound impact on the music world and its enduring allure for both fans and critics alike.[2]

Defining Black Metal

The Origins and History of Black Metal

Birth of Black Metal

The roots of black metal can be traced back to the early 1980s in Norway, a pivotal time for the genre’s development. It was during this period that a group of passionate teenagers, driven by their love for music and a desire to explore new sonic territories, began experimenting with heavier and darker sounds. These young musicians, fueled by a rebellious spirit and a hunger for artistic expression, would unknowingly lay the groundwork for what would later become a global phenomenon.

Among these pioneering bands were Mayhem, Burzum, and Darkthrone, whose audacious exploration of extreme music would forever shape the trajectory of black metal. Each band brought their unique approach to the genre, pushing boundaries and challenging conventions along the way. Mayhem’s raw and chaotic sound, Burzum’s atmospheric and introspective compositions, and Darkthrone’s stripped-down and nihilistic approach all contributed to the kaleidoscope of black metal’s early days.

While the emerging thrash metal genre had a notable influence on the early black metal scene, with bands like Bathory and Celtic Frost paving the way for a more aggressive and extreme sound, it was the notorious Norwegian “inner circle” that truly solidified black metal’s unique identity. Known as the Black Circle, this clandestine collective of musicians, artists, and individuals shared a common vision and a fervent dedication to the essence of black metal. Their actions, often controversial and shrouded in mystique, would further fuel the flames of the genre’s notoriety and infamy.[1]

Influential Bands and Key Figures

As black metal began to gain traction in the underground music scene, several bands and key figures emerged as influential forces in shaping its direction. From the early pioneers to the modern-day torchbearers, these individuals and groups have contributed significantly to the evolution of black metal.

One of the most notorious figures in black metal history is undoubtedly Varg Vikernes, a founding member of the band Burzum. Often referred to as the “godfather of black metal,” Vikernes was known for his extreme beliefs and actions, which included church burnings and the murder of fellow musician Euronymous from Mayhem. Despite his controversial nature, Vikernes’ music and ideology have had a lasting impact on the genre.

Other influential bands in black metal include Emperor, Immortal, and Dark Funeral, each bringing their unique blend of musicianship and theatrics to the genre. These bands, alongside many others, have helped shape black metal into what it is today – a diverse and multifaceted subgenre with a dedicated fanbase worldwide.[1]

Influential Bands and Key Figures

Early Controversies and Associations with Evil

With its bold and controversial themes, black metal has always been associated with notions of evil, darkness, and rebellion. However, it was not until the early 1990s that this association reached a fever pitch, fueled by sensationalized media coverage and extreme actions by certain individuals within the scene.

The infamous church burnings of Norway in the early 1990s, carried out by members of the Black Circle and other individuals, only added to this notoriety. These actions, while often perceived as extreme and uncalled for, were a manifestation of the rebellious spirit that permeated the black metal scene at the time.

The media frenzy surrounding these events and their association with black metal created a divisive split in public perception – some saw it as a legitimate expression of artistic freedom, while others denounced it as outright evil and satanic.[1]

Black Metal Aesthetics

Dark Imagery and Symbolism

At the heart of black metal’s aesthetics lies its profound embrace of the dark and macabre. This genre delves deep into the shadows, exploring themes of death, despair, and the occult. From album covers adorned with grotesque and blasphemous imagery to band names that evoke chilling and chaotic imagery, black metal remains unapologetic in its dedication to the sinister.

The use of occult symbolism is not only prevalent but also a defining characteristic of black metal. Many bands incorporate ancient Norse runes, pentagrams, and other esoteric symbols into their art and lyrics, further emphasizing their connection to the mysterious and the forbidden. These elements not only enhance the genre’s mystique but also contribute to its association with the forces of darkness and evil, creating a captivating and often controversial musical landscape.[2]

Dark Imagery and Symbolism

Corpse Paint and Stage Attire

Another striking aspect of black metal’s aesthetics is the use of corpse paint, a form of theatrical make-up that originated in the early days of the genre. This distinctive facial painting style has become synonymous with black metal, with many bands incorporating it into their live performances and promotional material.

The purpose of corpse paint varies from band to band; some see it as a way to enhance the dark and demonic imagery associated with black metal, while others view it as a form of artistic expression. Whatever the intention, corpse paint has become an integral part of black metal’s visual identity.

In addition to corpse paint, many black metal musicians adopt a specific stage attire that further contributes to the genre’s aesthetics. Often donning leather, spikes, and other provocative clothing, black metal artists create an intimidating and otherworldly image on stage, further cementing their association with the dark and sinister.[2]

Album Art and Visual Themes

Black metal’s emphasis on the visual extends far beyond the boundaries of stage performances; it permeates into the very fabric of its album art. Often characterized by its grotesque and eerie imagery, black metal albums offer a complete sensory experience, where the music and visuals intertwine to create a haunting and immersive atmosphere that lingers in the depths of the listener’s psyche.

From the iconic cover of Mayhem’s “Deathcrush,” with its chilling depiction of a decomposing face, to Emperor’s “In the Nightside Eclipse,” adorned with a grandiose representation of a desolate lunar landscape, black metal album art has become an integral and distinct aspect of the genre’s identity. These meticulously crafted images not only complement the music but also serve as a visual manifestation of the dark and twisted themes explored within the realm of black metal, inviting listeners to embark on a journey into a world of darkness and introspection.[2]

Is Black Metal Inherently Evil?

The Subjectivity of “Evil” in Art

The question of whether black metal is evil remains a highly contested and nuanced topic within and outside the genre. Exploring the concept of “evil” requires delving into the complexities of individual perspectives, cultural influences, and artistic expression.

Black metal, as a genre, elicits strong emotions and reactions from both its listeners and critics. Some perceive certain elements of black metal as inherently malevolent or sinister, drawing on its aggressive sound, dark imagery, and controversial themes. However, others argue that black metal serves as an honest reflection of the human experience, delving into profound subjects like death, depression, and rebellion.

The nature of evil itself is multifaceted and subjective, varying across different cultures and belief systems. Applying a universal label to a diverse subgenre like black metal becomes challenging, as it encompasses a wide range of artistic styles, lyrical themes, and philosophical ideologies.[3]

The Subjectivity

The Role of Intention in Artistic Expression

In addition to the complexities of defining “evil,” it is crucial to consider the multifaceted role of intention in artistic expression. While certain elements of black metal may be perceived as malevolent or anti-social, it is important to delve deeper into the artist’s motive behind their creation.

For instance, many black metal bands incorporate Satanic or occult symbolism into their music and artwork. However, it is essential to recognize that this symbolism does not necessarily reflect the personal beliefs of the artists themselves. Instead, it serves as a powerful means of artistic expression or provocation, allowing them to explore dark and taboo subjects without necessarily endorsing or embracing them.

Moreover, the notion of “evil” in art is not static but rather influenced by societal norms and expectations. What may have been considered shocking or evil in one era may be accepted or even celebrated in another. It is, therefore, challenging to pass a definitive judgment on the “evilness” of black metal without taking into account the personal and cultural contexts that shape our perceptions.

By delving further into the intricate relationship between intention, artistic expression, and societal norms, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding the perception of “evil” in black metal and other forms of art.[3]

Black Metal as a Diverse and Complex Genre

The question of whether black metal is evil remains a subjective and nuanced topic. While some may perceive it as malevolent or sinister, others view it as an authentic and thought-provoking form of artistic expression.

Black metal’s aesthetics play a vital role in its identity, but they should not be equated with “evil” solely based on their dark and macabre themes. The genre encompasses a diverse and complex range of styles, ideologies, and intentions, making it challenging to make sweeping statements about its inherent nature.

Ultimately, the definition of “evil” is open to interpretation, and it is up to each individual listener to form their own opinions about black metal’s place within this concept. Whether you view it as dark and malevolent or thought-provoking and authentic, black metal continues to push the boundaries of music and art, challenging societal norms and provoking intense emotions along the way.[3]

Black Metal as a Diverse and Complex Genre


Is black metal more evil than death metal?

The perception of “evilness” in music is highly subjective and can vary significantly from person to person. When examining genres such as black metal and death metal, it becomes evident that both delve into dark themes and utilize provocative imagery. However, it is important to note that the level of perceived evilness within these genres can differ considerably based on individual perspectives and interpretations. Factors such as personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and even musical preferences can influence the way people perceive and interpret the supposed “evilness” in music. Thus, it is crucial to approach this topic with an open mind and recognize that what one person may perceive as evil, another might view as simply an expression of artistic creativity or a means of catharsis.

What does it mean if you like black metal?

Liking black metal is a subjective preference that goes beyond any underlying significance or implications. It is purely a matter of personal taste and the ability to connect with the genre’s distinctive sound, aesthetic, and themes. Black metal enthusiasts are captivated by the raw intensity of the music, the intricate guitar riffs, haunting atmospheres, and often the exploration of dark and philosophical concepts. The genre’s raw and aggressive nature, combined with its artistic expression, creates a profound connection for those who appreciate its unique qualities.

Is it a sin to listen to heavy metal?

As with any form of entertainment, the impact of heavy metal on an individual’s beliefs and morals is subjective. It is up to each individual to decide what they feel comfortable listening to and how it aligns with their personal values. However, it is important to note that enjoying a specific genre of music does not make someone inherently evil or sinful.

What does God think about metal music?

Once again, this is a subjective question and can vary depending on personal beliefs. Some may believe that metal music goes against the teachings of their religion, while others may see it as simply a form of art and expression. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine their own perspective on this matter.

Is it bad to like heavy metal?

Liking heavy metal, or any genre of music, is a matter of personal preference and should not be judged as inherently “bad.” It is essential to respect each individual’s unique taste in music, as diverse as the melodies that resonate with them. Musical preferences are shaped by a myriad of factors, including personal experiences, cultural influences, and emotional connections. Therefore, it is crucial to understand that enjoying a certain genre does not define a person’s character nor reflect their moral compass. Let us embrace the richness of musical diversity and celebrate the power of music to connect people from all walks of life.

Why do introverts like heavy metal?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as introverts can have a wide range of musical preferences. However, some believe that the introspective and thought-provoking nature of heavy metal may resonate with introverted individuals who tend to be more reflective and contemplative in their thinking.

What personality likes heavy metal?

There is no specific personality type that can be attributed to liking heavy metal. People from all walks of life and with various personalities can enjoy any genre of music. Stereotyping a particular personality as more likely to like heavy metal is not accurate or fair. Ultimately, it is up to each individual’s personal taste and preferences.

Useful Video: 10 Most Evil Bands of All Time


In conclusion, the question of whether black metal is evil remains a subjective and nuanced topic with no definitive answer. Its complex nature, diverse range of styles and themes, and the role of intention in artistic expression all contribute to the difficulty in assigning a universal label to this genre.

Whether you view black metal as dark and malevolent or authentic and thought-provoking, it is undeniable that it has made a significant impact on the music world and continues to push boundaries and challenge societal norms. Ultimately, the perception of “evil” in black metal, like any form of art, is open to interpretation and should be respected as such. So, let’s continue to appreciate and explore this unique genre without making sweeping judgments about its inherent nature.

  1. https://www.atmostfear-entertainment.com/opinions/listenings/black-metal-satanism-evil/
  2. https://www.heavyblogisheavy.com/2017/01/26/the-devils-roots-satanism-in-black-metal/
  3. https://www.atmostfear-entertainment.com/opinions/listenings/black-metal-aesthetics-pure-evil/